Behavioral Ethics In Business
1) Examples moral application in the business world:a. Competing with the healthy to achieve business targetsb. Pay attention to the welfare of employees or lower classc. Not easy to be tempted by the lure that would tend to harm others
2). Examples of the application of ethics in the business world:a. On the eve of the feast, the members of Parliament are prohibited from accepting gifts of any kind (restraint)b. At the time of Ramadan, businesses hold donation for orphans (Development of social responsibility)c. create a plan that will be used to promote future business world (applying the concept of "sustainable development")d. Obey all the rules established by the company and run it as good as
possible (consistent and consistent with the rules mainyang has been
agreed upon)
3). 4 basic needs that must be agreed dr profession:
a. credibility: a plausible reason to be dipercaya.Seseorang who have believed kredibilitasberarti interchangeable.b. Professionalism: committed professionals trhdp profession. TSB commitment shown with pride himself as profesioanal power.c Quality of service: service quality can be obtained with comparing
the expectations of consumers with their assessment trhdap actual
performance.d. Belief: A real form, where precious self. Trust in business is very important because without trust business is difficult to live.